Friday, February 18, 2011

A Beautiful Day...

Yesterday was so nice...almost 70 degrees. the boys went outside to play and of course I had to have them "pose" for a quick "photo shoot."

I would like to have had a different background (a big red barn) and Sam in a different shirt, but you get the idea of what I was going for...

The Jack jumped in. I don't know if you can tell, but he really wasn't into it. I listened to a photographer once and she said that kids will be very posed and stiff when first taking pictures, but wait...the natural poses (and laughs) will come...sure enough...

This is one of the" natural" ones. Sam looked down to see what jack was up to...Jack's face makes me laugh, it seems he's saying, "I'm out of with me?"

And this is another very natural can only guess what jack is acting out...with boys, all conversations, etc. lead to this subject.

I think he did this because he knew it was his "out."  We were done after this picture...

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl...find a cool paper, make Sam's shirt black and cool it up with some cool action and wahlah - you have a great pic.... Gotta love digital as well! Great pics.

