Monday, November 29, 2010

Preparing the Turkey on Thanksgiving...

My mom came over nice and early to help me prepare the Thanksgiving turkey. I had most things ready to go, but just COULD NOT reach into the turkey to get the extra innards out of it. I tried self talking, but that didn't work. I am not lovable and capable to pull out raw gizzards from the raw insides of a turkey. I couldn't find rubber gloves anywhere in the I had to wait for my mom to arrive to do the dirty work...

I am not sure what this expression on my mom's face is trying to tell me...but I am guessing...
1. What do you MEAN you can't touch a turkey without gloves?
2. What is wrong with your eldest son (in the background)? I haven't even gotten the turkey out of the bag!
3. Have you seen such a full breasted turkey?

In this picture my mom has just found the gizzards and is holding them up for the boys to see...Sam's face says it all..

Sam moved in a bit closer and then mom pulled out the this point I am very happy to be on the other side of the counter!

Another reaction to a close up look of the innards of the turkey.

My mom giving the boys a quick science lesson on the innards. Notice Sam has plugged his nose and Jack's cheeks are puffed out. I tried to convince the boys to pick up the pieces and run around like a go with that idea. Maybe if they had rubber gloves they would touch them!

Jack wanted to check out the inside of the turkey...again!

This is as close to the turkey as Sam would get. The turkey was HUGE! It was 21 pounds.  My mom kept saying for the next three days, "I have NEVER seen such a full breasted turkey and so much white meat!" She would puff out her chest for emphasis on "full"...I guess...I wonder where I get it sometimes!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hot Tub Time...

Last weekend the boys and I had loads of errands to do. One involved stopping at a friend's house...some of her family had just finished running the off-road race at Living History Farms and where enjoying relaxing in the their hot tub.

Well, the boys couldn't help but take their socks, shoes and coats off to join the others!

You can tell that Jack was thoroughly enjoying himself and Sam needs needs a tan. (chuckle chuckle)
When we left, jack promptly told me, "next time I come here, I am going to bring my swimsuit and trunks so I can get ALL the way in!" Jack has grown up so much...just last week he would have been down to his undies and in that hot tub!!   I am so proud!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

The boys went with me to pick up our "organic, free-wandering" turkey. When we got it home, they really looked it over. They found the little holes on the wings and its skin where the feathers had been plucked out. Jack asked want the bloody stump area was...Sam informed him that was where his head was...that got a look of disgust from jack!

Then...they spotted the "other" end!! (great) of course Jack wanted to know what was THIS end and why was it so big? Sam informed him again, in his serious little tone, "This is his butt...he had a really big one." Say it as it is, Sam. That statement got a chuckle from Jack.

Jack continues to be amazed by the raw he found a wing and mumbled, "Flap, flap."
The only really disgusting part was that they were playing with the turkey without the required plastic gloves!!! :)

Happy thanksgiving to you and yours!!
(now let's go shopping!)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Go Vikes...

Jason and I headed up North last Saturday to attend the Vikings game on Sunday. Here we are heading into the game...that was the best part of the whole went downhill from there!

There wasn't a lot happening at the game to take pictures of...this fellow walked by. I was a bit chilly and could have used his Vikings super-man quilt could have Favre!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Miss me?

Why haven't I blogged lately?
Many of my feisty readers have inquired!

1.  I was on Oprah's Favorite things show...twice.
2.  I tried out for Brent...I mean Brett Favre's position...they way he looked on Sunday, I think I may stand a chance!
3.  Finished my x-mas is all wrapped and put under the tree.
4.  If I don't get Favres's position, I may try for Childress's coaching job...
5.  Cleaning up deer carcass from our backyard where our neighbor bowed a buck...
6.  None of the above...

Well, all are somewhat true...
1.  I WATCHED Oprahs' Favorite things show...twice...
2.  Went to the Vikes game on Sunday and said, "I could do better then Favre!"
3.  made a x-mas LISTof things I needed to do...
4.  Repeat answer number 2...
5.  Our neighbor did bow a deer in our ravine, but the wild animals have taken care of the carcass insides that where left behind after the gutting...(Jason felt so American after helping out!)

So, I am back on schedule tomorrow...thanks for checking and will see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Turkey in Diguise...

For a preschool assignment, Jack had to disguise a he chose to disguise his turkey as Santa Claus.

He worked very hard on the disguise and was so happy with his end product. Anyone who came to the house this weekend, he would take to the refrigerator (that where it was hung for safe keeping) and ask them if they knew what his picture was...jack just loved when they said, "Santa Claus!" He would laugh and say, "NO! It's a turkey!" Just as if he had pulled off the best joke!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Test Run...

Jack got his new winter coat the other day and tried it on...then he decided that he should put on ALL his winter gear to see that it fit AND how good he looked...

I went to the library the other day to check out a book. When i got to the counter, I told the librarian that I needed to pay my son's fine. (yeas, I paid it!! Thanks for all the input!) She then went to check out my book and told me I had an $8.00 fine!! HOLY CRAP! Guess you shouldn't point fingers!
(By the way, it was Jack's books that were overdue by 100 days and cost me 8 buck-a-roos! 
And as a good mom, I foot that bill, too!  :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sam's First Bill...

Sam received his first bill...

An overdue from the library!!

He had the book in his room and I kept telling him that he needed to return the book. When i saw it in his room, I asked him sternly, why had he not returned the book to the library...he told me, "It isn't a school book, mom. It is the PUBLIC library and i can't drive there." What is a mother to say except, "Well, you should have told me it was a public library book." (a total jack statement!!)
 So, do I pay for the fine or do I have Sam pay for the fine?? What would you do?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sam, Sam, Sam...

Funny Sam StoryThe other day, Sam and I are talking away while in the car. Suddenly i say, "Whoa! I didn't see those people." (there were two people walking on the road after dark) Sam asks, "Where they making out?" I am thinking, "Where in the world is this coming from?" So i asked him what did it mean to make out? Kissing, he replied. So then i asked him if he had been making out with anyone? (completely joking!!) and he says, "NO! But I will have to one day."

That sparks my interest and invokes further questions..."Why will you have to make out one day?" He goes on to explain, "Well, I am going to get married." Me thinking - good answer. He then goes on after a bit of reflection. (at this point, I must tell you that Sam takes meds for his cold sores) "Mom, I sure hope i don't get a cold sore on my wedding day. She totally won't want to kiss me with a big nasty juicy thing on my lip. I will definitely have to take my medicine on that day." little planner.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stomach Flu...

Poor Jack cannot get a break on catching "bugs." I got a call at work on Monday, from the babysitter, that Jack was throwing up. That was about three in the afternoon. The poor little guy was so sick with the stomach flu that he continued to get sick until nine that night. It was awful!! Thank goodness my mom came over for a bit to help and then she took Sam home with her. If you know me, I cannot stand vomit of any, once again, I had to suck it up! Oh - and of course, Jason was out of town!!

This is Jack on day two. He serious slept most of the day. He got out of bed upstairs around 1:30 and came down to the couch. He fell back to sleep at 5:00pm and slept until the next morning. The poor thing was just wiped out!

On day three watched a lot of TV. As you can see, I have not showered or put on make up on for two days...that happens when you have a sick one! After being sick two weeks in a row, I think he should be done in the sick department for the season...just cross your fingers that Sam doesn't get it...he is a bit more dramatic about sickness..

Friday, November 5, 2010

Taking Some Pictures on Their Own....

Going through my camera and found these photos of the boys and thought to myself, "When did I take these?" Well, I figured out that I didn't'..Sam did!

Sam obviously held up the camera and took the picture. I am not sure about the markers in the background, but Jack did include his little Yoda figure! I wouldn't tell them, but it is fun finding unexpected pictures on the camera!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mustache Mania...

My mom found a package of mustaches for the boys...the pictures do all of the talking...

Sam's mustache matches his hair so well, that it is spooky! It almost reminds me of my old principal!!

Nice chops rocker boy!

When my dad put these on, I think I heard my mom say, "and to think you wanted to dye your eyebrows black!" I hope that I imagined that statement after seeing this photo!

And a group shot of the mustache men!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Something New..

Jack got something new the other day for winter...can you tell what it was?
 In true Jack style, he wore them ALL day!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What I am Reading...

Just finished the non-fiction book, Zeitoun by Dave Eggers.
The book starts two days before Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans, where Zeitoun live with his wife and three children. Zeitoun is a highly respected person in New Orleans and decides to wait out the storm at his home while his wife leaves with the children.  After the storm devastates the city Zeitoun travels around the city in his canoe saving people, checking on his rentals, feeding abandoned dogs and other "good Samaritan" acts. Everything takes a surprising and drastic turn one day when the military comes to his door. Oh, Zeitoun is Muslim.
While reading, I would share bits and pieces with Jason and found myself asking him, "Did you know that?  Did you ever hear about that?"  The story makes me mad, due to the assumptions of the label "Muslim" and how that one word can take away all your basic human rights. This book really made me think and I still find myself thinking about it at random times.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat...

Another successful Halloween in the bag...we headed back to our old neighborhood for trick or treating and the boys had a ball. Both were determined to trick or treat for the FULL two hours. Thank goodness it was an awesome night!

Jack was Einstein and "pondering" an idea...Sam was Jengo Fett, a Star Wars character (it is the 4th Star Wars character in a row!)

Happy Einstein (you know...Einstein doesn't smile much!)

Jengo Fett, a bounty hunter, taking in our large pumpkin.

Einstein trying so hard to make the two hours...needed a little help from dad.
We then headed to our house for a bon-fire. The adults hung out around the fire while the kids ran around the yard having light saber fights. It was a perfect Halloween night...until Jack got sick on Sunday....