Thursday, October 14, 2010

Goodbye Gabe...

My sister's beloved dog, Gabe, went on to a better life last night. He will be greatly missed.
Please send Meg positive, warm vibes (as meg would say) and thoughts.

On a lighter note...though probably not so PC at this time...last night I explained to Sam and Jack about Gabe. I told them both that Gabe had died. Sam asked if aunt had to put Gabe down. I told him yes she did - that he was old and ready to go. Sam (in classic Sam style) said, "I feel bad for Aunt. But, I think it is a good thing. Gabe couldn't run anymore and now he will be able to run again, with new legs, and have fun with all his friends." (sniff)
Then Jack (in classic Jack style) said...and I didn't make this up..."Did Aunt use one of those sleep darts?"

1 comment:

  1. while i couldn't laugh as hard as i usually do at jack's "jackness" last cheered me up this morning. and this will go down as another one of his classic lines. i love same for his sweetness...such a big soul!

    ps. your house ROCKS!

