Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Bathroom...

With all the major kitchen things going on, I have forgotten to share the remodeled bathroom.
The bathroom is between the kitchen and the sun room...

Here is a before picture of the bathroom (forgive the blurriness!)

and after...we repainted with a light gray (Jason's favorite color!) put in a new vanity, a new mirror (from target!) and wood floors.

The before vanity...

The new vanity...we really like the look! My favorite part is the faucet. The handles say "hot" and "cold." I love the old vintage look of them and it fits just right in this bathroom!
It is completely done, except for TP roll hanger and towel racks and that's no big deal in the scheme of things!!

1 comment:

  1. It's so beautiful, Katie! I can't believe the difference. Very upscale, my dear! :)

