Monday, August 16, 2010

Kitchen photos...
This is how the previous owners had the kitchen set up and painted. The door way to the sun room is on the right side of this picture. See the light switch on the right side of the picture, on the tan wall...that is where the left side of the new alcove is located.
This is the same angle, but how we had it set up...
The yellow spot is where the oven use to be. This is what the kitchen looked like last week. You can see the light switch on the right side of the picture.
And now it is drywalled. The large dry walled "half wall" is actually the base of our new island. The sink, dishwasher and microwave will be on this side of the island. (The large brown piece on the left is another sheet of drywall.) Notice the boarded up window on the previous picture is now a wall.

While making this post, I deleted a bunch of pictures, so tomorrow we will continue the tour!!

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