Friday, August 13, 2010

A Happy Ending...

Last week I had to give up my beloved laundry shoot and the worker men removed it. The laundry shoot was actually going to be one of the columns holding up the beam, but we found out that the "column" would actually be about 22 inches wide and would look like a small wall part. So, after much contemplating, we had to let it go. I was so bummed. morning my contractor (I love saying that - it sounds so important!) and builder were talking about another issue and one thing lead to another and ta laundry shoot is back!
I shared with the worker men that I was going to make the spot by the stairs an "entryway" type area with a bench, etc. Well, we talked and bounced ideas and now we are going to have an entryway "alcove" built in...with one side being the laundry shoot! (plus it solved another problem for the builder, which he was elated about, too!)

Here is a straight on shot of the framed alcove and where the laundry shoot will be hidden. Below is a picture of what we based our idea on...

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