Monday, April 26, 2010

Thanks to My Mom...

Last week, Jack and I were doing some things outside and suddenly he disappeared. I yelled into the house, "Jack? Are you in here?" "Yes. I am just in the bathroom," he replied. So I went back outside to my sweeping. Shortly after, he came out. Didn't think anything of it. you know, silly me not to think anything of it. When we came inside, I walked past our bathroom and saw a kitchen stool in there, dripping wet with water. "Jack? Why is there a stool in the bathroom?" He went on to explain, "When I was playing outside my feet got dirty. So, when I came inside, I decided to wash them in the sink." Me: "So you washed your feet in the sink...and you needed the stool to help you get up on the counter so you could sit on the counter?" Jack, "Yep. I was doing it just the way my Nanny showed me how." If you could see my facial expression, my eyebrows were raised quite high. Thanks, mom....:)


  1. Glad to see that i am not the only one that let's the boys do things that make your eyebrows raise!

  2. And this eyebrow raising coming from a girl who at jack's age was washing her hair in public restrooms and using the hand dryer to "style " it.

    Aunt - today I taught him how to play a mannequin in store fronts. His mom will love that.

    Isn't is fun not having to be the responsible one/

  3. lol It must be a "mom" thing! My mom taught Bailey to do the same thing! I still catch her washing her feet in the sink occasionally! lol

