Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The First Bike Wreck...

Poor Sam wiped out on his bike last week. He was trying to see how fast he could go around one of the islands in our lane, hit a wet patch (I was watering flowers) and his bike slid. I ran over to him and told him not to look at his leg and that he was alright...there was no blood (yet.) I took him upstairs to clean him up. Once we got in the bathroom, he still did not have any blood dripping, so I got him in the tub and cleaned him up. Thank goodness it was just a few strawberries on his knee and elbow. Only needed one band-aid!! I am sure that it is the first of many bike accidents...yea. I think what saved him was that the asphalt was wet and he wasn't on the cement.
I am still hanging in there with the "Week in the Life" story. You can tell that Sam was sick of me taking pictures of him!!
See, just a few strawberries...hard to tell from the photo. OH! and Sam didn't cry one tear!! What a guy!

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