Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Making Martians...

Yesterday I spent the day cleaning out and going through things in our big garage, storage area, the basement and closets. It was HUGE undertaking, but my mom came over and helped me out..what a life saver. There is NO WAY I would have gotten done what I did if she wouldn't have helped me! Thank you again, mom!
Anyway, she also entertained the boys while I straightened and cleaned up the garage. She made Martians, out of goo, with the boys. Only a grandma would sit in her nice clothes (she had gone out with friends in the morning before dropping by) in a dusty garage and play with play-dough and goo with her favs.
As you can see, all three of them were very intense with their alien creating...especially my mom!!!
Love this picture of my mom and the boys. Jack is into his martian!
Coming up this week: The story of Jack's t-shirt he has on in this photo and Easter pictures!

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