Monday, April 5, 2010

Jack Can Spell...

Jack spelled his first word on Saturday night!
But, of course there is a story behind it.

Jack would not eat his hamburger for dinner on Saturday evening, so we told him no snacks until tomorrow. "Well, I don't want any snacks," replied Jack. (Yep, we'll see how that all works out!) And guess what - I put out a bowl of Easter candy for Sunday morning and Jack spotted it (NO, i did not do it on purpose!) and wanted an Easter egg...SO BAD. But, I stuck to my guns and told him he made his choice earlier, so no snacks! Well, he tried everything in the book to get an Easter egg - even telling me he was gong to starve to death and call the Easter bunny and tell on me. Finally he gave up. Later, I went upstairs and this was outside his door. I asked him what the blocks were for. He explained, "Anyone who is after the age of 8 is not allowed in my room! No 8s! Or girls. Or people who won't give me candy."
I looked at Jas and said, "Look...he spelled 'no.' " :)

1 comment:

  1. that is a great picture.
    I love those moments. ... his only way of having a bit of control.


