Monday, February 22, 2010

A Perfect Bed...

This is Jacks bed. A perfect bed for him...he could sleep on the top or on the bottom, depending on his mood. (haven't picked out a color for Jack's walls yet.)
This is Sam's bed. Perfect for Sam. Notice Sam's closet to the right.
This is a close up of Sam's closet. And yes, Jack's bedding is in Sam's closet. For some reason, Jack insists on sleeping in Sam's closet!!

When Jack fell asleep the first night, Jason pulled him out and had him sleeping on Sam's floor. Jack woke up in the middle of the night and crawled back into the closet!! I don't know why he insists on sleeping in the closet..but, has slept thre for FOUR nights - that was his plan. My mom told me with kids, you just have to go with it sometimes...I have to just go with the flow a lot with this little guy!

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