Tuesday, February 23, 2010


We have had to think of all sorts of things that the boys can do or be doing, just due to the fact that they have not been able to get outside. So, this weekend, we built a fort in Jack's room that the boys could hang out and sleep in. We drug Sam's mattress into Jack's room and hung two big blankets from the top bunk to some chairs (from the kitchen.)

Sam, otherwise known as Gray Man, and Jack hanging out in their fort.
Jack showing us where he slept. (much more comfortable than Sam's closet~ which lasted 1 1/2 nights.)
Oh, there is also a fort in the sun room. It includes a plant, for that true jungle feeling, and some books on which to hang your hat. I am sure another fort will pop up in somewhere!

1 comment:

  1. Katie, thanks for sharing all of these pictures! Life with those boys is sure a lot different than life with a 17-year old girl. Can I trade places with you, just for maybe an hour??? lol

