Monday, December 7, 2009

A Cookie Walk...

On Saturday, mom and I took the boys to a cookie walk. Jack couldn't believe that you could go pick out cookies and then just bring them home. Well, is didn't take long for either of the boys to get use to the idea.
It just so happens that Nancy, of Lee and Nancy who we bought our house from, was there helping with the walk. It was funny because when Jack saw her he leaned over to Sam and said, "There' Lee and Nancy." I think he believes that her name is Leeandnancy. The boys pointed out what cookies they wanted and then Nancy put them into a container for them, because she had the sanitary gloves on!

I got a great shot of the boys because they were HOLDING the bribe. If they took a good picture, then they could have some cookies! I don' think I have ever seen Jack smile so big!!!

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