Friday, December 4, 2009

Completed Page and Day 3...

I am off to a great start, if I do say so myself. I actually finished a page for my December Daily Album. I am doing an 8x8 one because I think I have upped my chances of completing the album due to the smaller size pages!
Yesterday I spent some time wrapping presents. This is huge for me! I am one that will wrap the week of Christmas, or even the night before. Then it bums me out because I spent so much time wrapping and then the work is demolished the next day. SO, this year, one of my goals is to have the wrapping done so we can enjoy it...I know, weird! Also, I am going for a red and white theme under the tree. It always looks so cool in the magazines. Well...

I wrapped the boys' gifts. They always pick out their own Christmas paper and it so does not go with my red and white theme. Also, poor Jack. I put out the presents and it is absolute torture for him. He begged and begged to open one and then quietly took one into the other room to open. I kept telling him I was going to have to hide the gifts so he wouldn't open them. He finally turned to me and said, "I want you to hide these things from me." So off to a hiding place they went!

We had flurries and a blustery 28 degrees here yesterday. Jack was so excited to see the snow. When he saw the snow, he turned to me and stated, "Let's go to sleep!" (REALLY!! Jack wants to take an afternoon nap...pure heaven to my ears!!!) But I thought I should double check. "Why?" I asked..."Because it is snowing, so Santa will be here any minute now!" Poor is going to feel like years until Christmas!


  1. Your red packages look great Katie! Poor little Jack going to be a loong time till Christmas for him! Gma O

  2. Your wrapping looks great, Katie! You are way ahead of me. I haven't shopped, haven't thought about shopping, and have no DESIRE to shop! Nothing under our tree. NADA! (Well, except a cat.)

