Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tirck or Treat!!

Halloween was a success even thought it was 30 degrees, blustery wind and drizzle. Jack lasted about 30 minutes and then headed home. Sam, though, was on a mission. He wanted to stay out until the end, which is 8:00. He came real close...we headed in about 7:45 so he could sort and trade candy with Jack.
Sam was Commander Fox (a good storm trooper from the Clone Wars.)
Jack was Mario...his mustache would not stay on, so I ended up drawing it on...which was just alrighty with him!!
Before trick or treat, we had our Halloween dinner. Hot dog worms, bread stick witch's bones and cheese string Frankenstein fingers. Yum, yum, yum.
Sam dug right in...Jack would NOT eat the food. He would get a "worm" to his mouth and then close it tight and say, "No way." Like my sister kept saying, it is all in the presentation. I made him another hot-dog, chips and a cheese stick...he had that eaten in about 2 minutes!

1 comment:

  1. I'll say it again: What a Good Mom You Are! This is the stuff that lifetime memories are made of!

    (Well, I could do without the worms, too, but...)

    See ya soon!

