Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Recovering Nicely...

My mom came over (AKA: Nurse Nanny) and fixed Cooper's arm. She brought her own needle, thread and scissors. During the entire procedure, the boys were completely and uttery transfixed on what she was doing. At one point, Sam asked her, "Is this what you call......sewing?"
Well, Cooper is all fixed and Jack is just pleased beyond words. He looked up at her and asked if something happened to Cooper could she fix him if Cooper's head fell off.....
Cooper is so excited to have working arms again!
He can clap!!!
I decided I am going to have mom come over next week and do some things in the kitchen so the boys can ask her...."Is that what you"

I do need a dose of June Cleaver!


  1. lol Cooper does look pretty excited! Ahh, Katie, I have no domestic skills either and no desire to acquire any. :-)

  2. The first thing Jack didi was wrap Cooper's arms around his neck and said "Cooper can hug me again". OOOOOOOhhhh... so sweet

    The 2nd thing was Jack held Cooper out to Sam and they both grabbed an arm and pulled. EEEEEK.... Then they laughed.

