Thursday, October 29, 2009

I DO NOT make this stuff up...

The other night my sister was over. We were at the table drawing Halloween pictures with the boys. Jack takes big deal. Well, then he comes back. Looking like the above picture. My sister exclaims, "OMG!" and looks at me like, "Oh no!" I just smile and shrug and say, "I told you I do not make this stuff up. This is my life." She then looks at me and says, as serious as ever, "That ain't no Indy Jones beard. That's a thick Tom Selleck, Magnum PI look." I am laughing right now as I write that...thank goodness I can laugh at all of this - and it gives me good blog material!!

1 comment:

  1. That's hysterical! What prompted this new look, I wonder? Did ya have to get the Undo out to get it off? lol I love your life!

