Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Put Your Hand Down...

My mom and sister joined us at the last swim lesson. We headed to Snookies, in Beaverdale, (if you haven't been there, GO!) for a graduation dessert. This is how this photo conversation went...

Me in a fun sing-song voice: Who graduate from swim lessons today??
Jack: Me!!! (and raised his hand)
Sam: Me!! (he just smiled)

Me: Jack, put you hand down...JACK, put your hand down..
Sam: Just take the picture...

Me again: Jack! PUT YOUR HAND DOWN! (I wasn't yelling, just using my parent voice. )
Notice my mom in the background has given up...

Me, through clenched teeth: Jack, I will take away your ice-cream if you don't put you hand down. (which is a totally empty threat.)
Me: Thank you! Ahh..that's a good picture!

Sam under his breath: Ya, and my ice-cream is melted.

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