Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Loads of Swimming...

This is actually Thursday's post...I posted it on Wednesday night..still have issues with posting.
We have been taking the boys to the pool in the evening lately. Here are some shots from Monday night...
My boys...
Jack flying through the air with some help from his dad...
Sammy jumping in backwards (which was quickly stopped due to worries about him getting too close to the edge of the pool.)
Jack...always the fashion statement.
Update on my posting issues: Went to the "help" desk and there was a post on how some bloggers where unable to schedule any posts. That would be me. I schedule my blog to post at 4:00 am every morning. Well, no such luck. When I check it around 8:00 am, it still has not posted and I then post it at that time. So, I will be posting later in the am (8-9:00) or the previous evening until this is all worked out...please continue to check back!!


  1. mom/nannyJuly 09, 2009

    looks like lots of fun for everyone.

    We always check your blog every day at our house.
    Always love the pictures but the stories are a bonus.

  2. A Young Hoff!!! That last picture just cracks me up!!!!

    Good seeing you yesterday - and the boys. They are darling!

  3. Great pictures! When Bailey was learning to swim, I was so nervous I couldn't even stay to watch. Hence, no pictures. lol

    So now you know you're not the only one having this problem! I think you can contact the Blogger geeks and they will help you, if there isn't a solution posted.

