Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Who Says...

Yesterday the boys and I were driving home from doing errands. It was about 6:00pm and Jack started to fall asleep...doing some severe head nodding. Not good, because he will then stay up until 11:00pm. So Sam and I were trying to keep him awake by asking him what sounds animals make...well, we ran out of animals, so we started to ask him what certain people say...here are the responses:

What does Nanny say?
"I love my grand kids."

What does Grandpa R. say?
"Hi Sam!" "Hi Jack!"

What does Grandma Sharon say?
"Hi guys!"

What does Grandpa Eldon say?
"Want to see my guns and horses?"

What does Aunt say?
"Burping contest, anyone?"

What does mom say?
"Stop being such pistols!"

What does dad say?
" What do you want to eat?"

Out of the mouths of babes....


  1. Oh, these quotes are so cute! YOU MUST MAKE A MINI-ALBUM with a picture of each person and the quote below! How adorable would that be???

    Now get right on that, Katie! lol

  2. P.S. I am working on the newsletter (important computer work!) and sent you an e-mail w/ a question.

    AND I sent you a special piece of Flair! :-)

