Monday, June 1, 2009

Completely Random Thoughts...

Tons of thought in my head, so here is some of the randomness!!
( chose to read on)

Haven't taken any new pictures lately...even when staying at home, I stay so busy! I thought I would have loads of time on my hands, but I am busy, if not busier, in different ways now...with things that I want to do! That is huge.

Jack told me he wants a dog. ok. Then he shared how he wanted one with no teeth, no claws. Fur only. Hmmm...I think I can find that at the fabric store.

Signed up for another class on Big Picture Scrapbooking. It is a Jenni Bowlin class that goes on for 3 months. I am really pumped to do it. She loves vintage things and lately I have been digging vintage things, too. Unfortunately, she wants us to get some porcelain butter pats and millinery flowers...what the hell are those???

Jason is on the main floor rug doctoring our's 9 at night. The boys can't sleep. The whole thing is interrupting my important computer work!! I can't get into the kitchen. I have 2 boys home tomorrow that need to be fed and watered. How's a girl to do that when the entire living room is in her kitchen.

I watch Jon and Kate plus 8. Someone said today that they are having all this drama so more people would watch...ew...

Sam finally gets a haircut tomorrow. His hair is so long and bushy right now (should take a picture of it!) that HE even has asked when he can get it cut!!!

Sam's last day of school was Friday, so the official first day of summer is today. He is excited, but bummed...he loves school.

Jack is excited to have Sam around 24-7. (so why do they keep fighting?)

Jack started the day in time-out and ended the day in time-out. Guess he is predictable and consistent.

My mom and sister have their birthdays this week. they were born on the same day 25 years that ok to write??? Planning on getting together on Friday with the family and then mom, meg and I are off to shop (vintage things) on Saturday. Maybe I can pick up some butter pats and flowers...

I have been thinking a lot of my friends that have lost their mothers. I can't imagine what they are and have gone through. I don't know what to say to them. I just want them to know I am thinking about them...

saw this quote and absolutely love it...

Make Someone Happy
"That is a good day in which you make someone happy.
It is astonishing how little it takes to make one happy.
Feel that the day is wasted in which you have not succeeded in this."
[ t. de witt talmage ]

Uh, oh...Jas just swore...better go see what is going on...or maybe I should just stay put -that might make him happy right now... hmmm...


  1. Great post, Katie! I used to post my random thoughts all the time but haven't done it for the past several months. But I started working on one last night!

    I have never seen a porcelain butter pat. Are they individual butter plates? I have some silver ones from my grandma.

    Did the rug doctor work??? I'm thinking I may need to do that myself. Our carpet is too embarrassingly bad to call the

    I will say that losing my mom was probably the most life-changing thing to ever happen to me, other than having a child. It has taken a full year for me to figure out how to navigate life without her. So often I just want to pick up the phone and call her, then I remember that I can't. Every time we go to one of Bailey's events, I fall apart because I know she would have been there. But things are slowly getting better...I have lots of great memories so I try to focus on those. Thanks for your note, and give your mommy a hug! :-)

  2. Janet -
    this is what my mom sent me about butter pats:

    "sometimes referred to as butter chips or butter pads, these very small (usually around 3" diameter) plates for individual servings of butter were as common in Victorian formal dining as say bone dishes, knife rests, napkin holders or oyster plates. Although their use was the heaviest from 1880 to 1910, they were known to exist before this period, as well as long afterwards"

    My question is why would I need them for a scrapbooking class?

    About your mom, it really breaks my heart for you. My mom and I are really close and I get a stomach ache to think of a time without her...I just want you to know that i think of you often...

    Yes, the rug doctor did work. Jas mentioned how much better and bigger our living room seemed...i told him that I thought that was because there wasn't any furniture in it, not the clean carpet.

  3. Katie, I have no clue what you might do with them! Use them as paint trays??? Somehow I doubt that! lol This will be interesting!

    Thanks for your note. :-) The reality is that none of us know how long we have on this earth, so don't let a day go by without telling your mom you love her!

    lol about the rug doctor! I wonder if I can operate it, seeing that I am tool impaired!!

