Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Part 2: Buyer's Remorse...

So, we buy make-up...lots of it. We got swept up in our faces!
At one point, mom looked at me and said, "You don't have to buy it all now. You can think about it and we can always come back." I looked at her with a glare and stated, "No, I am getting it now!" Just like a three year old!
One of the best things we all got that dya was a vibrating mascara. (It really is awesome!) While I was watching Meg get her make up done, I overheard my mom ask, "How much is this vibrating...thing?" I looked at Meg and said, "Hmmm, interesting..."
So, again, we all buy way too much make up (well, maybe mom didn't.) and buyers remorse hits Meg about...oh, I'd say...3 minutes out of the store. "I have 11 items on my receipt..I only bought 10. They slipped something in my bag!" We had to finally go out to the car and review her purchase....

If you count the items, there are 11...just like her receipt. So we started looking at each item to see if she could return something. We would say, "What's this, oh, bronzer, you could return that." Meg: "Oh, no...that is really good stuff." She said that about everything!!! I got the giggles.

This was the miracle sauce. It is suppose to get rid of your eye wrinkles in about a week, or visibly diminish them. A mere $100. (sorry Meg!!) We told her she could take that back. "Oh no, that worked really well with my eyes." She ended up not returning anything!!

Since we bought so much, we each got several free gifts: 2 large tote bags, a medium size make-up bag and a small make-up bag. When our friend, Ashley, showed the bags to Meg, Meg said, "Oh yea. Those are real bags. They won't crack in the winter like the last bag I got at a make over." (she was completely serious...I did see the bag crack) I got the giggles. Megan referred to her totes as her "prizes." She now refers to her totes as getting the biggest "dumb-ass prizes" for buying the most make up!

Before we head into back into the mall for more shopping, Megan asks us one more time to look at her eyes and tell her how good they look. (This is the way Meg looked at me all day (and I looked at her... if we weren't checking ourselves out in a mirror!)
After all this remorse, we walked back into the mall. Megan is still saying, "I still can't believe that I spent all this money on make-up,"...then she spotted something..."OH, a Fossil store...I do need a new watch!" and off she went! Remorse gone.


  1. Oh, this is hysterical! But Katie...vibrating mascara? What the heck??? lol

  2. And when we weren't shopping and looking into every available mirror to check out the makeup, we were asking each other " do I look good?"

    We Looked GOOOD!!!

