Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Minn. Trip Part 1...

Each year, my sister, mom and I head up to Minneapolis for a weekend of shopping and loads of laughs. One of the highlights of the weekend was on Saturday morning. We walked into Bloomingdale's, so mom could get some eye shadow...I went outside the store and sat down on a bench, Meg went with mom. After a half an hour...I went back in the store to see what waas taking them so long. Well, Mom was getting a make-over!! (she has never done this.) When I walked up to the mom and Meg, Megan mouthed the words, "OMG!" and pointed at mom. She looked awesome! Well, who could pass over such an opportunity? As soon as mom was done, I hopped into the chair. Then Meg did...
This is Ashely, yes, we were on a first name basis by the end of this, applying Meg's make up.
We decided we should take a "before" picture...Megan posed like all "before" picture people..looking sad and low down.
This is Megan with a fresh layer of make up...she should look darn good, only $300 worth of make up on this face!!
Here's Megan and I with our new best friend, Ashley. Hope she got paid commission on this day!

Tomorrow...buyers' remorse hits Megan...HARD!!!


  1. You guys look fabulous! Where's the picture of your mom??? ;-)
    Hey, are we going to hear ALL the details of this trip to MOA??? Just askin'.... ;-)

  2. Well, well, well - so that's what your sister looks like! You guys look great. What fun!!! Did Ashley think you were nuts by taking photos - we are rare, aren't we, capturing every detail.

