Friday, February 20, 2009

Here is a close up of Roo's tattoos. He put one over his heart - notice it is a double heart...he told me one was him and the other was me..isn't that sweet! So, when he comes home in high school covered with tats, he better have just as good of story!
And the finished product..little, very little aliens. Roo is only showing one because his second one didn't set so well and gooed on him when he picked it up - which really "grossed him up!" Overall it wasn't too bad and the boys did have fun with it. The directions tell us that the aliens do not like our atmosphere and that they should be kept in an air tight area...we (meaning I) decided to find out what happens to the little guys when they stay out in the open! Will post pictures of the little creatures all dried up and shriveled later (at least that is what I am thinking is gong to happen!)

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