Friday, February 20, 2009

Alien Goo and Tattoos..

For Valentine's Day, the boys got Martian Matter Alien Creator from their Grandma S. Well, last night we finally got it out to create aliens - I must say I was NOT looking forward to this, do to the fact that the box said that some of the ingredients can stain and just the fact the word "goo" was included! (at one "stalling" point I told the boys that there were 92 pieces to this thing and it would take me awhile to look it over ...the box actually had the number "92", but it was referring to the number of different aliens you can create - oops!)

The first thing you do is pick a top and a bottom for your alien. Roo couldn't get his to stay together...notice all the different colors of goo or "Martian Matter" you can choose from..oh joy! I made the boys take their t-shirts off so they wouldn't get stained! (when we pulled out all the pieces from the box, Sam said, "That doesn't look like 92 pieces." hee hee)

Step two is to put "Alien Mud" in a small little "disc area" on the spaceship. Alien mud is just a fancy word for play-dough.

Then you make an impression in the play dough of your alien by pushing the lid of the spacecraft down. Notice the tats on the boys...they were the valentine gift from aunt this year...she cut Roo off at four tats. (the fifth one is from a previous day)

About this time, JB came home from work and offered to add the goo to the alien impression. Then you place a play-dough disc over the goo filled impression and wait for 3-5 minutes for it to set. If you wait 3 minutes the aliens insides will be more gooey...and what fun that is to squirt out!


  1. Now that looks like fun! :-) Any way you could work this into a sb'ing class?? lol

  2. man, those tattoos really stay stuck for a long time! he did say that the double heart was "me and mom" when he put it get placed in prime real estate! my heart get stuck on the underneath of his arm...and ashley got an elbow!

