It's about me, the three boys in my life, a little crafting and the adventures that seem to happen each day...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
A New Member of the Family...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Advanced Yellow Belt...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Jack Sightings...
Monday, February 23, 2009
Lazy Days of Summer Mini-Book...
I used the new Snorkel Cosmo Cricket line...I fell in love with it right away. I
"glued" the paper onto coasters. I love, love, love the coasters and you can use them for some many different ideas!! This mini book came together pretty easily and was fun to make. Now if i can just get it done in an hour...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Alien Goo and Tattoos..
The first thing you do is pick a top and a bottom for your alien. Roo couldn't get his to stay together...notice all the different colors of goo or "Martian Matter" you can choose from..oh joy! I made the boys take their t-shirts off so they wouldn't get stained! (when we pulled out all the pieces from the box, Sam said, "That doesn't look like 92 pieces." hee hee)
Step two is to put "Alien Mud" in a small little "disc area" on the spaceship. Alien mud is just a fancy word for play-dough.
Then you make an impression in the play dough of your alien by pushing the lid of the spacecraft down. Notice the tats on the boys...they were the valentine gift from aunt this year...she cut Roo off at four tats. (the fifth one is from a previous day)
About this time, JB came home from work and offered to add the goo to the alien impression. Then you place a play-dough disc over the goo filled impression and wait for 3-5 minutes for it to set. If you wait 3 minutes the aliens insides will be more gooey...and what fun that is to squirt out!
And the finished product..little, very little aliens. Roo is only showing one because his second one didn't set so well and gooed on him when he picked it up - which really "grossed him up!" Overall it wasn't too bad and the boys did have fun with it. The directions tell us that the aliens do not like our atmosphere and that they should be kept in an air tight area...we (meaning I) decided to find out what happens to the little guys when they stay out in the open! Will post pictures of the little creatures all dried up and shriveled later (at least that is what I am thinking is gong to happen!)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A Simple Thanks...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A Snack for an Adventure...
At this time Indy has packed himself a propel and a Kraft cheese single slice.
This is to be the third picture, but couldn't get the computer to cooperate with me..again...Indy has his full snack prepared. Propel, yogurt, cheese slice, 5 M&M's (which you can't see) and most importantly, a pack of frozen hot dogs.
This should be the 2nd picture. Roo is checking out the nutritional facts (?) on his pack of frozen hot dogs...
Off he goes for his adventure. Must make a note to find the huge snack bag before everything thaws, warms and goes from there!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Cleaning Don't Bother Me...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Blowing Bubbles...
I couldn't get Sam's picture to be first on my blog, which I wanted...who knows why.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day...

Friday, February 13, 2009
A Valentine Mini-Book...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy Crabby Day!
So this evening, "What do you want on your box?" Sam, "I don't know..hearts. " Oh COURSE, we don't have any sticker hearts in the house! This is about when Mr. Helpful JB steps in. "You don't want hearts!" Then looking at me, "Don' t we have any Star Wars stickers around here he could put on his box?" Me, "You can go find some." (I am getting a bit crabby at this point.) Well, JB never comes back with the stickers, but with, "I have an idea!" Me (after trying to help with the idea) " two just figure it out! I'm done." Well, about 20 minutes later the boys emerge with this in hand...a crabby Valentine box! I must admit, it is pretty darn awesome and creative. I am proud of JB and Sam for getting this together! I just wonder if it was crafted after any one in particular that lives in our house???