Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Cleaning and Organizing...

OK. I can't BELIEVE that I am posting these pictures, but I think it will be good for me. Yesterday, I decided that I needed to clean out my scrapbooking room ~ the new years spirit grabbed me. Well, when I was WELL into it, I decided to snap a few pictures. EEK!! Seriously, it is never this bad, but I am doing some serious cleaning out, tossing and organizing. So, here are the before pictures...if I ever get done, I will put up some after pictures ~just so you know I don't live in a pit. Oh - notice the big black trash bag...I owe that to my mom! When I was little, she would send me to my room to clean it out (not up) and say, "You can come out when that big black trash bag is full." (Little did she know that I stuffed it with clothes I didn't like and kept my treasures!) Love you, mom!! After looking at these pictures, I think it is time for a nap....
The closet...
As you walk in the door.

The big black trash bag! Oh-on the white table
I am making a jewelry tree out of my grandma's
old jewelry for xmas. Oops! Missed that deadline!
Yes, my's really not this bad..ever...I swear.


  1. Katie, Katie, Katie...I may just have to share these pics in my next organization class! ;-) Just teasing!! You have an awesome space! What a great set-up for crafting! Can't wait to see what you come up with! Go, Katie!!

  2. Congrats on the blog - marked as a fave!!! Good job! And you are brave. Perhaps I should take some pics of my scrap space now and then see how far I've done... Watch my blog in the next day or two...I have some pics to share of a little boy named Julie...what were our moms thinking?!?:!?!?!

    Happy New Year.

