Friday, January 2, 2009

Be Nice...

"Mom, you sure you want to do this..."

I found how to add comments to the blog - finally. I am a bit nervous due to several people asking where they could make a comment...especially my mom-uh oh.
How do you like my new fancy picture to the right? It is really to take place the picture of JB and me, but I couldn't figure it out at 11:00pm last night. I was going through old picutres and found this one..I must have just gotten some highlights and had been tanning!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! I'm sure everyone will be nice to you, Katie! If not, you have the power to delete them!! Like I said, I've only had to delete a couple of rude comments over the past 2 years, and one was from my spouse! lol (He's monitored closely now!)

    Love both of these pics, btw! What a cute expression and caption on your DS's pic!

    I'm sitting on my hands until I see pics of your organized scrap room! :-)

