Saturday, January 3, 2009

It is Done and It is Clean and I am Happy!

My desk before the cleaning or should I say in the midst of cleaning!

My desk after the cleaning! I have a work area! I put a lot of things into boxes. Organized boxes! I took the bulletin board down by the clock and added two of my favorite pictures. Below the pictures is a cool holder from IKEA. It holds my tools, adhesive, etc. I can take the tubs/holders off the bar. Very handy! To the left of the white board, I put up a spice rack. The jars on the rack hold buttons, small flowers and other little things.

A close up of the IKEA rack with tools that I use...

A close up of the spice rack....

My shrine to Starbucks~is that wrong??

The large tools that use to be out in the open are now in baskets that slide perfectly under the TV. (Go Colts!!)

Walking into the room before...

Walking into the room after. Check out my color coded flower and ribbon jars on the shelf...yummy! (like my O'bama signs...)

The closet before: all I can say is "Oh my..." I couldn't even take a straight on picture due to so much...stuff.

The closet after: much better!
Now onto the next organizational project. There are so many, I just don't know where to begin!


Janet said...

Holy cow, Katie! This looks fabulous! How in the world did you get all of this done in such a short time? I'm totally impressed! Things I love in your room:
* the spice rack
* that cool IKEA thingy
* the owl stamps!!
* the Starbucks shrine...I have the ornaments, too!
* the awesome closet to store all your stuff
I could go on and have done an amazing job!

Anonymous said...

Are you for hire?? I had good intentions today but ended up sick so I know what I'm doing next weekend. This looks great!!!! I need to get to Ikea - have a shelf that is calling my name!

Have a great week and great job.