Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Now that was Fun!!

Every fourth of July a group of us get together to celebrate. This year was no different, except that we added more fireworks. Before the arrival of our guest, the boys divided the fireworks into three different groups: the younger kids, the older kids and the dads. About 10 minutes in, the dads were having as much fun with the younger and older kids fireworks then the younger and older kiddos!

The party stared in the pool...there were 12 kiddos at the party and they all get along...seriously we never have an issue of fighting and everyone is included!

After eating, it was fireworks time! I don't have pictures of that night because I have yet to master the skill of taking photos in the dark! So, I will share with you...

The morning after!
(No worries, everyone comes back the next morning to help clean up!)

 Smoke Bombs!

 A rolling smoke bomb!

This year we had a fireworks that actually had little parachutes shoot out of it! The yard was littered with these! 

 The big hit of the night were the Roman Candles!
I liked them because they gave me the opportunity for a very colorful picture! 

And Snaps. We had hundreds of Snaps! So many that the clean up crew each got a package of Snaps to take home!

Clean up crew of 2016!
What's so ironic and wonderful is that many of Sam's friends  have a younger sibling Jack's age!! We were meant to be together (that was a little cheesy!) 

Hope everyone had a fun filled fourth!

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