Thursday, May 19, 2016


I just finished the book Alex by Pierre Lamaitre and all I can say is it is one of my favorite crime/thrillers that I have ever read.

TAlex is the second in a trilogy, but I did not realize this until after I started the book. You can easily follow along without reading the first book. There are events brought up that occur in the first novel, but the author does not make you feel as if you have missed out on anything. The novel also won the best thriller of 2013.

About the book:
In kidnapping cases, the first few hours are crucial. After that, the chances of being found alive go from slim to nearly none. Alex Pr̩vost Рbeautiful, resourceful, tough Рmay be no ordinary victim, but her time is running out. Commandant Camille Verhoeven and his detectives have nothing to go on: no suspect, no lead, rapidly diminishing hope. All they know is that a girl was snatched off the streets of Paris and bundled into a white van. The enigma that is the fate of Alex will keep Verhoeven guessing until the bitter, bitter end. And before long, saving her life will be the least of his worries.

And that is all I am going to say about this book except that it twists in a way that I have never had a book twist before and I loved it!! I hate to build it up too much, because then a reader doesn't feel as if it lives up to my rave reviews. But, for me, I would definitely put this on my top 5 books I have ever read!

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