Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What I Read to Decide What to Read

Several people have asked me how I go about picking the books I read. I must admit, most of the time it is by what others recommend. 

I also get great ideas from people I follow on instagram. They will put up their book recommendations and I check those out by typing them into Amazon and reading the reviews. Then while on Amazon, it will recommend books that are similar to the one that I may be searching. 

I have followed Stephanie Howell's blog for years. She has 5 little girls, her husband is in the  military, she has lived in Italy for the last 2 years, just moved back to the states, is an amazing crafter, loves her planners and is a HUGE reader! She can read up to 80 books in a year! I think she is a speed reader, which I would love to be...so many book, so little time! 
Click here to read her latest book suggestions. At the bottom of the post, click where it says: "For more of my recently read book reviews, check HERE." It will take you to her GoodReads book shelf. She has over 200 books rated!

I am also exploring GoodReads and how it works. Let you know once I get it figured out!

I also receive the magazine Bookworms.  I recommend this as a gift to all your book loving friends!

A new book review magazine has just been released on April 1 and I have yet to get my hands on it. What I understand,  is that it is to come out every Friday on newsstands everywhere and also available on Kindle or the Kindle App.  It is published through GoodReads.

The most exciting news is that our town finally has an independent book store: Plot Twist! For so long, people in town have wanted a book store, so I hope that it is supported and well visited! I plan to be a regular there!

After a little scrolling and browsing this weekend, these are the next books I want o check out: 
Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes
Pretty Girls by Mary Slaughter
The Nest by  Cynthia Sweeeny
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling

Another question I often get is WHEN do you read?
I always read before bed. I can't fall asleep unless I read. 
I read when I eat breakfast and when I am drying my hair. My mom gave me this heavy bookmark that works perfect to keep a book open and does wonderfully while I am drying my hair!
I read when I am waiting for the boys to get done with an activity.  Sometimes I will go a bit early so I can read for awhile in the car. 
I am also trying to put my phone down and read instead. If I have time to scroll on my phone and check out my instagram accounts, then I should be able to read! It works..sometimes! :)

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