Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Track Season!

Track season is in full swing for Sam. We now have three meets under our belt and Sam has ran pretty well! The first meet, Sam ran in the 4x200. I was excited because that was a race I ran when I was his age.  He was the lead leg and as you can see, he was in the top three. He did really well!

The next meet he ran the 4x800 and the open 100. (Wow! A sprint race and a long distance race!)  He was super nervous about the 800, but he didn't do to bad for his first time running an 800! Jason was excited about this race because that is what HE ran in middle school and high school.

Getting ready for the 800 hand off.

 And he is off! Looks strong!
 Finishing his first lap. Not a bad split for him.

 He had a little monkey jump on his back with about 300 meters to go, but he persevered to the hand off.

At least he wasn't yelling. "I'm gonna barf! I'm gonna barf!" Like one of the other kids running the 800. 

Last night we had another meet and he cut 3 seconds off of his 800 meter time! Yea, Sam!! Track season is short and we only have a few more meets. It's been so fun to watch Sam and how he is moving right along this first track season!

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