Friday, March 25, 2016

More Random Bahamas!

Thought I wold share some more random photos from our trip!

How many ways can Starbucks spell our names?

Waking up in paradise!
(Jack CHOSE to sleep on this roll away. Much better than sleeping with blanket stealing Sam!)
 Pictures with the boys!

See Senor Frogs in the background? You could hear the chants of "SHOT SHOT SHOT!!" coming from the bar.  They gave the thumbs up to that establishment! (eek)
 Real pictures with the boys!

Love this picture of Sam with all the blue!
 Tried to get the same feeling with Jack. Not quite the same.
 Sam sitting on an ancient throne.
 Jack decided to put his head in the helmet.
Sam soon carefully placed his head in the helmet! 

(Wordless happy picture!)
Boy, I miss those warm sunny days....

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