Friday, March 4, 2016

Missing Moose

Tomorrow Moose has been gone for a year. I still miss her every day. We have been talking about possibly getting a new dog and Jason will ask, "What dog would you want?" My heart says, Moose, every time.

Me and Moose after a walk in the snow. 

Whenever Jack and Sam had a slumber party at the house, Moose was never far away joining in all the fun!
Moose showing how much she loves us with the heart between her front legs!

Jack sleeping on the floor...Moose right beside him!

Looked out one morning, Moose all curled up by Jack...again!

What a young lady!

Moose got into Jack's tent one evening to sleep! Look at her giggle at getting caught!

Mom, are you taking pictures again?

She was never far away from us, no matter what we may be doing!

Watching Jack play a game, while we were under a tornado warning!

First day of school pictures!

Moose waiting for Jack to get off the bus.

Sitting on her blanket right inside the garage door. The boys were out playing and she was watching them!

Stop taking pictures! I have had enough!

Moose and her friend, Esther!

Happy Birthday, Moose!

I so want your food, but I am so tired...

Heading out to play in the snow!

What a sweetie...hanging out while Jack makes a snowman. We did have a little trouble with her stealing the snowman's stick arms!

There are 100s of other pictures I could share of Moose and the memories that we have of her. Thank you Moose for all the love, fun and friendship you brought to our family! 
We love you!

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