Monday, March 21, 2016

Left on a Jet Plane..

Over Spring Break, we left on a jet plane!
A very bumpy ride on the plane.  So much so, that a poor little girl was going to get sick, squeezed herself between the drink cart and MY seat, got by and then threw up on the guy behind me. That was a close and lucky one...for me!!

We finally landed on a little island called the Bahamas and decided to spend the week at Atlantis!
Oh boy...what a week it was!
When we arrived last Saturday afternoon, the boys immediately wanted to check out the watersides, so Jason and I decided to try out a couple local drinks!

Other highlights of the week
All of us went on this ride: The Leap of Faith!
 (This is the ride from our room!)
 A 60 foot, almost vertical drop! When you sit down on the slide to go down, you CANNOT see the slide!! Just your feet. You must push yourself and you with your stomach!!
 See the shark at the bottom in the water?

Checked out more local drinks: Caribbean Bugs!!

We went snorkeling off a boat in the ocean and saw sea life in a coral reef AND a shipwreck!!

Sam discovered Virgin Strawberry Daiquiris!!

Saw and watched loads of local sea life!

Had the locals make us mystery drinks!

 Hung out at the beach!

Went to the Straw Market and bought a few souvenirs.
Boys enjoyed Bahama Goombay Punch.
 Explored the property!
And we all kissed a girl named Jackie!

 (Sam: "Yay. The first girl I kiss is a fish.")

And then we reluctantly packed up our suitcases.
Waited in line after line at the airport.
 And got back on a jet plane. 
(VERY bumpy for about 15 minutes. Sam: "Are we going down?")
 Then arrived back home. 
and of course, we had to immediately stop to get Jason's annual birthday Big Mac and Shamrock shake.

1 comment:

  1. I would have needed one of those drinks to get on the plane and if was bumpy maybe two. Did you come back with a little color. Those waves were crazy, we had waves like that when we went to a beach on floridas east coast we didn't stay out much the girls didn't get in to long my dad went in with them some but it would just pound on you.

