Monday, January 11, 2016

Star Wars and Oragami...

The Star Wars bug has hit Jack and hit him hard it has!! It started with the anticipation of the premiere of the movie and Jack discovering the book series "Origami Star Wars ."

So Jack has been origamiing his fingers off!! Here are a few of his origami creations that he learned in the books. 
Han Solo and Chewie

 (take the picture yet, mom?)

Emperor Palapetine
He used tin foil for the lightening that comes out of his fingers.

 Jabba the Hut
Ew. That tongue.

The movie was finally released on Thursday, December 17. Our elf, Henry, happened to be visiting at this time and made an entrance on the Millennium Falcon bringing Christmas ornaments and a Galaxy Mix of Jelly Belly jelly beans!

That night it was off to the movie! The boys wore their Star Wars tees. There were a few people dressed up as Star Wars characters, which added to the fun of the night!

 I sat beside Jack and his excitement was contagious! He cheered and clapped along with the crowd!! It was so much fun!!

The next morning, we found Henry had crash landed the Millennium Falcon in our Christmas tree!

Can you spot Henry? He went into the tree head first. Princess Leia and Yoda are also in this picture.   (Leia is by his left hand Yoda it hanging by the end of Henry's foot.)

C3PO and R2D2 also crashed with Henry. 
We all gave the movie a BIG thumbs up and are planning on going back to see it for a second time. Are there holes in the movie, why of course, but they may be answered in future movies or "back stories" as Jack calls them! It is a fun movie adventure!! 
Go, you should!!

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