Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Books of 2015...

I am taking a quick look back at the books I read in 2015. Quick, meaning, no authors or pictures of the books, though I do believe both are important, I just don't want to take two hours to copy and paste book covers!! A majority of the books have been reviewed in more detail on my blog, except for the book I do not remember any details! Oops!!

The book are rated from 1-4 stars. Four being the best! :)
one * = I wouldn't recommend the book
two ** = It was fine.Could pass it up.
three *** = I really liked it.
Four **** = Loved it! Read it!!

So without further are the books I read in 2015!

1. Natchez Burning * (absolutely ties NOTHING up in the end due to having a squeal. But, really, you can't leave a guy with a gun on a hill with killers coming after him and not let you know what happens!! The book seriously just ends.)

2. Mannequin Girl * (boring)

3. The Storied Life of AJ Fickery **** (A book store owner finding love when he least expected it)

4.Revival (Stephen King) ***

5. A Small Indiscretion *** (EEK! I can't remember this book!)

6. The Nightingale **** (WWII from the point of view of two women)

7. The Book of Unknown Americans **** (what it is like to be an 
    immigrant into the USA. You feel for these characters.)

8.  Sold **** (haunting)

9.  The Girl on the Train **** (Alfred Hitchcock..takes a while to 
     get going, but then, WOW!)

10. The Haunting of Sunshine Girl ** YA (predictable and not  

11. Tell the Wolves I'm Home **** (LOVED this story. Cried!!)

12. We Were Liars *** YA (big twist)

13. Secret Wisdom of the Earth **** (Amazing!! A coming of    
      age story in the Appalachian Mountains)

14. You **** (Creepy stalker,  but so good!!)

15. The Rosie Project **** (finding love)

16. The Luckiest Girl in the World *** (Good story about trying 
       to remake yourself to distance yourself from a horrible 

17. Code Zero* (Zombie Book. Character gets out of every single 
      situation without a scratch.)

18. Prisoner b-3692**** YA (A young boy goes from 
      concentration camp to concentration camp)

19. Where They Found Her *** (A murder of a baby from three 
      different perspectives that are actually all intertwined)

20. Eeny Meeny *** (Two people left in a sealed place, with a  
      gun. Only one can leave when they kill the other person.)

I am proud of myself for reading 20 books this year and will try to read another 20 this year along with rating them after reading!! This year I am also going to write down the first sentence of every book I read. I don't know why, but I love first sentences of books!! Oh, and their smell. I won't read a smelly book. 
Happy Reading!!

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