Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Balloon Game

I recently had my Memory Bound work party and as always, it was a night a fun and laughter...especially when we played Reindeer Games!! The staff was divided up in groups and had to plan a short game for all to play. One game that was a big hit, was the balloon game!
Each couple got a pair of nylons! (remember those!)  I blew up balloons while Jason stuffed them into the pantyhose !

Once you had stuffed them as full as possible, you placed the pantyhose on your head! Tah Dah!! You have just created a Caribou rack! It was measured for three different lengths and sizes and prizes were awarded. I think Jason received third place for the size of his rack. Yea!!

Well, I took the caribou rack home because I knew it would be a hit with the boys. The next morning, both boys wore them while watching TV. (Sam would not put them on his head until he was positive no one had previously worn them!)

Well, who could pass up the opportunity to experience the balloons?  We found our elf, Henry, inside the nylons one morning!
 Doesn't he look comfy!?!?!?

Sam found Henry and decided to take him for a ride!

Who knew that a pair of pantyhose full of balloons could provide so much fun!!

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