Wednesday, November 25, 2015

24 Hours..

So the snow has come (darn it) and wait, it's still here (darn it.) I was SOOOO hopping that this would be one of the storms the weather people predicted wrong. It wasn't...the weather guy on channel 8 actually predicted the EXACT amount that we got! Hope they give him a huge year end bonus, because we know how often THAT happens!

Anyway, this is what the yard looked like Friday around 2:00pm...peaceful, a bit chilly, but good to go! Places are canceling events...I am thinking they are crazy! It's a great day!!

Here is the same shot at 9:00 am on Saturday.
Yep, that's Jack playing the snow already. While I am taking this picture though, he is actually complaining...loudly! 
"It's FLUFFY snow! You can't build anything with this!! You can't make a fort or a snowman or a... (on and on and on and on.)" 
"Well, come on inside then! Let the sun warm the snow and then it may melt a bit (in the 20 degree weather) and it will be more packable." 
(Like my science classes didn't teach me anything!!) 
But he believed me and thought it sounded like a great idea!

 Needless, to say when he went out for round two. The sun was still out. Nothing had melted and the snow was still FLUFFY!
Jason went out to plow the lane with the Gator. He came in about 10 minutes later. "Gators dead," he said. 
So, basically no one in our family was excited about the snow.

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