Tuesday, October 6, 2015


We have/had this huge spider living in the corner of one of the high windows in our stairwell. The boys enjoy jumping up and hitting the window to watch the spider scurry! 

 I can view the spider from the steps, but if I would stand under the window, the base of it would be just above my head. To take these pictures, I actually put my hands above my head and clicked.(What I found was that these windows really need to be cleaned!!)

I wanted to share these creepy, nasty pictures with Jason who is deathly afraid of spiders. As Sam says, we all have our issues. So, I sent this picture, via text, to Jason while he was at work. Can you imagine him opening this one!! I know...I have issues!

All I really got from Jason was, "Is it real?" and "Is it alive?"

A few days after sending this photo to Jas, I walked down the stairs and saw the spider hanging upside down. Thought nothing of it, until I walked down three days later and it was still hanging upside down.
"Hey, Jason...did you kill that spider?"
"How?" I asked.
 Mind you, it is a second floor window.
"I found some killer spray and you put it on the hose and I could soak that spider!"
I then noticed the "spray" stains on the window.

Wow...I guess were there is a will there is a way!

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