Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lunar Eclipse Super Blood Moon...

Did you miss it?
The event that takes place about every 33 years? 
The Lunar Eclipse Super Blood Moon.
Well, it's your lucky day!! I have the most beautiful picture taken from Sam's telescope of the moon. It was absolutely amazing and breath taking!!! The four of us had a fabulous time checking out this "once" in a lifetime event!! Stunning!!


Ok. I may have stretched the truth a little...our life is not a daily Christmas card by any means!!

Let me share the real story of our  viewing of the Moon...
I was laying in bed flipping through instagram. Jack was a good hour into his sleeping...Sam and Jason were laying in bed too, watching football. While flipping through instagram, I noticed several pictures of the Lunar Eclipse Super Blood Moon. 
Me: Hey guys, I think we missed the Lunar Eclipse Super Blood Moon.Did you hear about it?
Jason: I'm so over that. Remember last year when we waited to see the super moon? Nothing. 
Me: True.
(continue flipping through instagram)
Me: There sure are a lot of people posting pictures of the moon. Did you know it was an eclipse? Oh wow, it's reddish orange, too.
 (continue flipping through instagram)
Me: Guys, I think we are missing something here. Why didn't I know about this???  Look, Sarah Jessica Parker even posted pictures!!
Sam: If you want to see it, why don't you go outside and look?
Me: I'm too comfortable and don't want to get up.
Jason: And there you go, Sam.
Sam: I'll go out and look.
Sam leaves and shortly comes back,
Sam: I couldn't make it off the porch. I think I heard something in the bushes. 
Me: Yea, those rabbit are vicious.
Jason: I'll go out with you.
Both guys leave.
Sam comes back breathing hard.
Sam: You have to come out and see it. It's pretty cool.
Me: Why are you breathing hard?
Sam: Dad told me to run inside and get you because it's going to go away.
Me: Are you sure you guys aren't going to scare me?
Sam: No! Come on!!!
I very reluctantly get up and head outside to see the super moon. When we get outside Jason yells, "Hurry Up!! You will miss it!" (I think we already had and I don't think the moon moves that fast!)
I look up. 
Me: Wow, that is pretty cool!

And here are my pictures:

Welcome to real life and the our viewing of the Super Lunar Blood Moon. Maybe next time....Oh, and Sam doesn't have a telescope. Actually, we don't even own a telescope.

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