Friday, September 4, 2015

Decisions Decisions...

I REALLY want to keep up on my scrapbooking and crafts. There is so much I want to do and there is just not enough time in the day for all my crafting, work and my naps! :)

So, of course, I made a list of the projects I want to do and the work projects I need to get done at this time too!

This should be a no brainier project! The pictures are printed out from the boys' track season. All I need to do is put them in the pockets and call it good! I even have most of the memorabilia gathered, too.  So what is stopping me? I have no idea!!

Oh wait, it might be the fact that I have 200+ photos!! 
Overwhelming!! I just need to put on some good reality TV or Netflix or Hulu (my new addiction) and start stuffing pockets!

This time of the year is BUSSyyy at the store with the holiday season quickly approaching! I love this time of the year! My head is full of ideas!

I've created a couple Halloween mini books. This one is made with the Graphic 45 collection: Rare Oddities. One of my favorite Halloween collections of the season. 

I also created a countdown to Halloween calendar. The idea is to place a die cut or image on each day (or for little ones, each night or sleep) until it's time for Trick or Treat!
 At this time, I have six other projects and classes that I need to create for the store.Which I really enjoy doing!!

So, before I get going, I think I should get in a quick nap to reboot! 
(wink wink)

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