Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Second Set...

So, today I am sharing with you the second half of our day that I documented for "A Day in the Life." Ali Edwards "founded" the idea of "A Day in the Life" and you can check out her amazing photos of her day on her blog by clicking here. Her pictures are amazing and inspiring. Darn her.

Anyway...enjoy our Tuesday afternoon and evening!

After my class, I spent an hour and a half picking out papers for three different projects that I am going to start.

The first is a baby book. Friends of ours had their first little boy and I am going to attempt my first baby album. I have always wanted to try to create one, but never had a new baby to give it to!!

This is the collection and items I am going to use for my Day in the Life album!

The third project is a secret at this time.
I had a coupon for 100 sheets of cardstock for half price. I took full advantage of the opportunity.

 Headed over to Sam's science fair. Sam's experiment was "Is there other daily things that are dirty then the toilet seat?" Right up my germ-a-fob's alley! Yes, Sam's cell phone was actually dirty then the toilet seat! He swabbed several different household items and even grew some cultures. It was gross. 

When we went to the Science Fair, Sam told me his throat was on fire and he was concerned that he had strep throat. Off to the doctors office after school to check. Sam was good...just a cold. TLC and rest was in order. Sam worked on homework while waiting for the results of his throat swab...which was checked by  cultures..hmmmm.

Jack hung out and gave us his best chipmunk tooth look. 

After  the doctor visit, I  ran Sam to guitar lessons.

While Sam was at guitar, I needed to feed Jack, so he had a healthy burger and fries from McDonald's!!

 Jack took this photo of his meal!!

After we picked up Sam, who was feeling much better (which I call relief) we headed home for 30 minutes. Boys brought the garbage can down from the top of the lane.

 Jack "helped" bring the garbage down, too.

Sam grabbed a quick dinner and off to Lacrosse. I know...busy, busy, busy!!

Jack and I went off on errands. He has a new shirt on due to the fact that he dropped a big glob of ketchup on his other shirt.

"Mom, my eye..." 
Yes, he is pretending that a q-tip is stabbed in his eye. Why are q-tips in the car? Because Sam would forget to clean his ears in the morning and so I put q-tips in the car, so if he forgot, he could clean them on the way to school. Believe me, if you saw the potato fields he can grow in his ears, you would have q-tips in your car, too!!

Jack soooo needs a new pair of shoes, so we looked at three different stores. He was in a "mood" and it wasn't for shoe buying!!
 We finally ditched the unsuccessful shoe trip and went to he library.

 Picked up Sam at 7:30 and headed home...finally!! 

Jack got ready for his day and off to bed to read. (Time is wrong on the photo and couldn't change it.)

 Sam asked me what was for dinner and I snapped at him and said, "Sometimes you need to help yourself." Oops. So, when I went downstairs, I mentioned how Sam's omelet looked yummy. He answered, "Yep. Sometimes you just need to help yourself." Sam...are you saying something to me without saying something to me? This is the look I got from him.

The poor kid was swamped with homework that night!!

Packed Jack's lunch for the following day. Signed his planner.

Ran upstairs to tuck Jack in. He insisted on one more photo for the day. 

Pushed Sam to bed at 9:30 because he needed the rest. 

Did some work in my scraproom.

Waiting for things to download.

Headed to bed to read. 

Lights off!

Jack woke me up Wednesday morning and wanted to take a picture. Can you tell my eyes can't even focus yet???

The three of us sending a selfie to Jason Wednesday morning to say good morning! He has been out of town. 

Love these guys!!

Now for the creative part...putting all of this in an album!
Wish me luck!!

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