Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Teacher Gift

This weekend Jack and I got our craft on to create an end of the year gift for his amazing third grade teacher!

I picked up some Heidi Swapp Marquee letters. I have had my eye on them for some time and wanted to do something fun and different with them and finally got an idea. 

So I headed out to purchase the letters. You buy each letter individually. We were spelling the word "READ" and the store was out of the letter "A". I went ahead and purchased "R, E, D" and kept my fingers crossed that and "A" would show up!

 The package comes with the marque paper letter, a pattern, lights and a cord with a battery pack. Seems simple enough...let's do this!

First thing first, we had to paint each letter. The paper soaked up the paint pretty fast, so we had to do at least  coats on each letter.

While the paint dried, we traced and cut out different  Dr. Suess papers and several pages from Dr. Suess books, using the pattern of each letter. Jack then punched the holes in each letter. The paper fit very snug and so I was getting a bit frustrated. Jack just pushed the paper in and looked at me like, "Duh." Our hole punch was a bit smaller then needed, so Jack took scissors, pushed them down, twisted them and made the hole just right.

Jack then placed the light bulbs in each punched hole.

His favorite part was hooking up the wire and giving each letter a test run!

One we had all the letters done, we just needed to put them in order!

Ta Da!!!

Jack was so proud of himself and should be!
They turned out great!
Who wouldn't want a big marquee "READ" letters in their classroom!

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