Friday, May 1, 2015

Baseball Season

Baseball season is in full swing (hahaha) for Jack. We have had several games already and the biggest challenge has been the weather!

It has been plain cold out. I wear several layers to the games: my winter coat, boots, stocking cap and mittens. I take my chair (the bleachers are terrible for my back) and wrap up into two blankets. That has been my attire for the last two games!!
 I have only taken a few pictures of Jack's just way too cold to take off my mittens!  The few that I have taken, have all been taken with my phone.

Here is a picture of Jack being "captain" for the day. That entails him going up to home-plate before the game and telling players from the other team, good luck. The umpire also lets them know a few other things, but I forgot to ask Jack what was the entire conversation.

Now, last night we had a game and the weather was perfect!

Jack has been working hard with his hitting. Unfortunately, it doesn't come easy for him. He did get on base last night due to the fact that he got hit by the pitch. What ever it takes, I guess. He eventually worked his way to third base!! Yea!!

 Waiting for someone to get a hit can take awhile...

But, the waiting paid off and he finally got to run and score a point! Proud mom moment!
Way to sacrifice a "hit" for a "hit,"Jack!!
He got up to bat a second time and again, hit by the ball. I didn't know I was going to have to worry about his well being in baseball!!! UGH!!!

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