Monday, March 2, 2015

Who Ya Gonna Call

The boys' new favorite place to see movies is Flix Brewhouse. It is a restaurant and comfortable movie theater. We try to get there 30 minutes before the movie to order food and eat most of it before the house lights go down. I have found it difficult to eat after the movie has started...hard to see my food! 

Another bonus of Flix is that they show "old" movies on the big screen. I remember when Jason lived in Kansas City and found a movie theater that showed old movies and he loved it! So you can imagine his glee when Flix announced the same idea!!

The boys love Ghostbusters and wouldn't you know it...Flix was showing it for one night only and nothing was going to stop them from attending.  

 As a bonus, everyone attending received a Stay Puff Marshmallow Man glass. Jason was over the moon excited!
We tried to get Jack to wear his Ghostbusters Halloween costume, but he was a no go with that idea. 

But, wouldn't you know it...there were loads of people in full costume! Walking out, Jason asked if these gentlemen wouldn't mind posing for a picture.
Can you tell Jack was enjoying himself with fellow Ghostbusters? After the photo op, Jack told Jason, "I SO should have worn my outfit." Wonder if he would wear is Indiana Jones outfit for Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade or dress up as Micheal J. Fox in Back to the Future. Both coming to Flix!

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