Monday, March 23, 2015

Little Bits of Moose Reminders...

Moose has been gone a little over a week and I still expect her to come around the corner, hear her walking across the floor to my room or barking to come inside. I still miss her terribly, but I am able to talk about her without crying...for the most part. :)

I do want to thank everyone who shared their story of losing their furry family friend, who sent cards, listened to me and checked in how we where doing. We all really appreciate the thoughts and kind words!  It has honestly made it a bit easier.

There are still times when Moose shows up unexpectedly....

While sweeping the hard wood floors, suddenly a Moose tumbleweed will roll across the floor!

On my grocery list, I had written "milk bones."

I found Moose's squeaky platypus among Jack's stuffed monkeys on his bed. I realized he has been sleeping with the squeaky toy. The platypus also made the trip to Kansas City!!

While saying goodnight to Sam, I spotted another Moose toy. This one was on Sam's book shelf right beside his bed. 

 The Friday after I said good bye to Moose, I was in a slump. I went ahead with my "routine" for the day. Jack stayed home because he had an upset tummy...I think all the emotions with Moose caught up with him.  I ate my breakfast, which is cereal in the morning, and went on my way.  When I came back to make some lunch for Jack, I noticed I had put my cereal bowl with the rest of my milk, beside Moose's water bowl.
  I did that for her every morning for the last 4 years and I did it again for last time. 

 A dear friend and her family gave us this plaque. I haven't decided if it will stay inside or be outside with Moose. Since we don't live in city limits, we can bury Moose in our yard. (Her ashes.) Another person suggested to plant a Dogwood Tree where Moose will be buried and offered to help me pick one out.

 Moose's friend Esther and her family gave me this bracelet that I will treasure for years. Inside the bracelet she had it engraved, "Dogs put paw prints on our hearts, Moose 3/5/15"

I can't thank everyone again for being so kind. I cannot express how much it has meant to me and our family. Thank you.

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