Monday, February 2, 2015


So, in the name of trying to give myself more "me" time, I started to do some yoga. I downloaded the app "Yoga Studio" on my iPad and got to work.
 I love Yoga Studio. There are loads of beginner, intermediate and advanced yoga classes. Classes can be from 5 minutes to 60 minutes. You choose! You can also create your own yoga class with your favorite poses. There is also the yoga for lower back which I have done everyday for my touchy back and it does feel better!! Jason has started to do the Yoga Stretchers for Runners. It's a family thing.

Do you like my little Yoga set up? Sun coming up...cold glass of water..dreamy!!
 Didn't include a picture of my non-showered self with the dark circles under my eyes, sipping on my cup of coffee and really wanting to go back to bed, while taking these pictures. 

 Jack got into the act, but in a little different manner. He made me an iPad holder which came in handy while I was attempting yoga!

I couldn't possibly get it my yoga in without my handy dandy Lego iPad holder! Then I noticed that last pose...

  What have I gotten myself into???

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