Thursday, February 5, 2015

Throw Back Thursday...

I write this with a tear in my eye.

I decided to look back at previous blog posts and figured out that I am beginning my seventh year of this blog. Wow!! It makes me super happy to have documented the last six years of our life!!  The boys will have all these stories! 

 But, seriously, where does the time go? When I started, Sam was six. He is now 12 and is officially taller than I. Jack was three, he's now nine and almost comes to my shoulder.

 I look back and hope that I enjoyed them as much as possible. If you have little ones, seriously, do not sweat the small's small stuff. Enjoy your little ones, laugh with them, play with them, share with them, hang out with them because time goes by way too fast. 

I shared with my mom that I completely understand what people mean when they say "I wish I knew then what I know now." I have learned to listen to my friends that have had more life experience. I've learned some valuable parent's priceless and free!

This was my first blog post December 28, 2008.

 The Beginning...

These are the two little ones that I will be talking/posting/blogging about...they keep my life busy and interesting. The older one is 6. I asked him what he would like to be called on my blog..he thinks "Steve" might be a good name. (what??) The little one is three. We call him "Roo" because he is a busy-body. My mom just laughs and says, "Oh, he is a little you!" I always wonder why she has a little smirk on her face when she says that...

 A lot has happened since then and now and i am glad that I have lots of the highlights here on the blog! Though, looking back can make a grown girl cry at how fast her little guys have grown!!

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